Let's see what else has gone on since I last posted. Rebecca had her birthday on June 6. She turned 6. Well, at least that is how many candles I put on her cake. I am sure putting the right number of candles on the cake would have violated some sort of fire safety code. Besides it probably would have melted the cake. (It was a Chocolate Resses Peanut Butter Ice Cream Cake). We actually had a great time on Becca's birthday and hopefully she enjoyed it too.
How about a little Cody and Jade update:
Lets start with Cody. For those of you who didn't know Cody is very short and skinny. (Not that Becs and I are Shaquille O'Neal or anything.) Anyway, we have been taking him to specialists for a while now. We finally found out this last week why he is so small. His body doesn't produce enough growth hormone. The next step is to rule out any abnormal causes of this such as tumors. They are going to do an MRI on him in July. If everything turns out ok, then they will start giving him growth hormone to help his growth.
Jade continues to progress. Ironically, the doctors don't think she needs growth hormone yet because her growth is doing well. She is eating some solid foods now, so we are pleased with that. She is also starting to roll over a little bit. Her main problem is that she doesn't have enough support of her neck. So when she rolls over it is just the rest of her body, while her head stays still. Her physical therapists and other doctors are pleased with her progression though. In October she goes to a Physiatrist. There are only four of these in the state of New Jersey. They are going to hook her up to some special equipment to help start teaching her how to stand and how to walk. In other news we were finally able to get all of her blood drawn after only going to four different hospitals to get it drawn. She did well though, a lot better then I would've. (I nearly passed out when I gave blood as a freshman in college, but that is a story for another time)
Let me see, what else have we done since I last posted? I've been kayaking a few times. Yesterday I headed over to the Delaware River. I kayaked up the canal starting from the Scudder's Falls Bridge up to Washington's crossing, and then kayaked back down the Deleware river. At the Scudder's Falls Bridge area there is a great play wave that I was able to playboat in for a while also. It was awesome. I didn't get any pictures of me doing it, but my parting shot below is someone else doing some playboating on the same wave at Scudder's Falls that I play at.