Thursday, December 20, 2007

DNA test results

The DNA test results came back today. It turns out that Jade has a genetic disorder. She has a deletion of the 15th Chromosone. What it means is that she has one of two possible syndromes either Prader Willi Syndrome or Angelman's Syndrome. She went to get her blood drawn again today so they will be able to be sure which one she actually has. When we get the test results back from that I will write again and update everybody on the results and what it means for us.

In other news Cody and I had a great day sledding and playing in the snow in the morning. I forgot to take my camera though, so I don't have any pictures. I know a lot of you are thinking, how did you go sledding if there is no snow in Plainsboro. We drove north about an hour and fifteen minutes or so and went to Hopatacong State Park. They have several inches of snow up there and a great sled run for Cody right off of the parking lot. We had a lot of fun. We even through some snow balls at each other and built a snowman. The snow was pretty packed down and icy, but it was great. I'll try and remember to bring a camera next time. The picture below is actually from last year, but I guess you get the idea.

I also just wanted to thank everybody again for all of your help and support. We wouldn't be able to get through all of this without good family and friends to help us out. It has meant a lot to us.


Sherwoods said...

Good luck. We are anxiously awaiting the results. Please let us know if we can do anything for you guys!

Anonymous said...

I like your blog. I hope you enjoy your family being so close :)and the help they give you. We are so glad to be sharing in your life.
Keep up the good work. You are a wonderful mother.