Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Oh Please Becs...

What, Jane Austen? Come on, Becs! If you are going to put one of those quizzes on our blog, you could've at least put one up that would appeal to more people. Actually, let me rephrase that. You could have put up one that I like better. Let me think... how about "Which Lord of the Rings character are you?" I bet they have one of those. Just a minute let me go check......

What LoTR Character Are You?

See, I told you. But seriously, who cares if I like bows, or swords, or axes better? Anyway, my point is: Actually I have no idea what my point is. Have a good day!


Unknown said...

Hey now, just because I chose romance over violence doesn't mean I deserve ridicual. Actually, I really like LoTR too, but didn't see that one.


PS- I was Galadrial

mrp670 said...

We are huge Lord of the Rings fans here at our house. Mark actually just finished reading The Hobbit to Maddie. I was Frodo. We also don't mind watching those Jane Austin shows on PBS occasionally though.

mrp670 said...

Mark is Elrond. He is also Marianne Dashwood. (That quiz is definitely meant for women only!)