Sunday, October 12, 2008

Lenni-Lenape Summer

Confused by the title? Ok, here goes my thought process. I was going to title it Indian Summer, because that is what we are having this weekend. It was beautiful and warm all weekend in the 70's. (All you people in Utah can be jealous, because I know you got snow this weekend) Anyway, I was going to title it Indian Summer, but then I got to thinking that really isn't politically correct. So I was about to call it Native American Summer. But, then I remembered a conversation I had with someone a while back. The Native Americans don't really like to be called that either. They prefer to be called by their tribe names, since that is what they really are. So I did some research and the tribe that lived in New Jersey were known as the Lenni-Lenape. In any case, the weather this weekend rocked!!!
I could have also titled it Fall Festival weekend. That is because it felt like everywhere we turned there was a Fall Festival going on. We went to three of them ourselves. We went to Allentown, Hightstown, and Von Thun Farm Fall Festival. The last was our favorite. Take a look at some of the highlights of our weekend below:

We started off cruising the streets of Allentown.

Cody started off by taking a ride on a pony. Becca had to stand there with him because, well, you know Cody. He probably would have had the horse galloping all over the farm if left to himself.

Cody Also tried to wrangle in some sheep. Good thing we didn't give him a rope.

Not to be shown up, Jade takes her turn with some riding. Yee-haw! Ride that hay bale Jade.

All that fun stuff there, and Cody's favorite part was probably getting to see Elmo. Go figure. Hey, doesn't Elmo look taller in person then on TV.

This is us going for a Hay Ride to go pick pumpkins. Nice Smile Cody.

Wait, that's not a pumpkin.

There you go. That's a pumpkin
So, we get to the pumpkin patch and Becca and I spent probably half an hour walking around looking at all kinds of different pumpkins. We kept arguing about which one to get. I had chosen out a pumpkin and was waiting in the long line to get back on the hay ride to go back to the farm while Becca looked to see if she could find a better pumpkin. All of sudden I look over and here is Cody rolling this pumpkin. He rolled the pumpkin for probably 25 yards to get it to where I was standing. He had decided that was the pumpkin we were getting. So that is the one we got.

Parting Shot:


Nick and Maddy Winward said...

Looks like so much fun! I love the Elmo shoot - he sure is tall! Cody cracks me up!

LizzyP said...

We tried to go to a farm this weekend and it was crazy crowded with people! Maybe next weekend we'll get out the door a littler earlier. Thanks for posting your pumpkin pics. This is the time of the year when orange gets it's time in the spotlight--orange is a totally underrated color.

Kristen said...

That Elmo shot really is cute...I think I would have been a little scared of him though--he is really freakishly tall. But still, Connor would have been jealous.

K-Krew said...

Too bad Thom didn't take the kids to go with you guys. Andrew would have loved to see an Elmo the same size as his dad :)

Davis and Carter's Mommy said...

Great shots of your family, it all looks like fun. But your title summary was the highlight, so funny, your crack me up Scott!

The Hoyt Family said...

Hey you guys find all the fun places to be!!!I saw Jade in church sunday.. She is looking so good.. sitting up on grandpa's lap like such a big girl...I have an award for you.. Check out my blog for details...

mrp670 said...

The 70's sound great. We are still getting in the 80's. I much prefer this to the snow though. It is great not to have to wear coats, hats, and gloves trick-or-treating. We got to go to a fall festival on Saturday too. Our kids loved the petting zoo. The ducks didn't like Sydnie chasing them though and one bit her (in case your wondering I don't think duck bites hurt).