Monday, October 27, 2008

Trunk-or-Treat and Boo at the Zoo

We had a really busy weekend. It was full of Halloween Festivities. On Thursday night we carved our pumpkins. Here is how they turned out:

In case you can't tell, it's a spider, not a tree.

This one was Cody's pumpkin. I let him carve it himself (with a little bit of help from me).

On Friday night we had a ward activity. It was a Chili cook off followed by a Trunk or Treat. Of course I entered my Chili. It didn't win, but I thought it tasted delicious. Jade is a witch for Halloween and Cody is a Dinosaur. Below are some of the pictures from the Trunk or Treat activity.

On Saturday we went to Boo at the Zoo. It was really fabulous. We had a lot of fun. It was kind of a rainy day, but that was good because it meant it wasn't crowded at the zoo. Cody had a lot of fun getting candy and doing some of the activities. There were also some photographers there from the newspaper and TV station. They took a bunch of pictures of Jade and Cody. We even had to fill out some release forms so they could use the pictures they took. Unfortunately I'm not as good a photographer as they are. But, nonetheless here are a few pictures I took:

My Parting shot is Cody hatching out of an egg.


Davis and Carter's Mommy said...

Wow, I love the witch costume! Looks like fun! And yes, I could tell it was a spider :).

AGirlNexDoorCreation said...

Looks like the kids had a great the costumes..have a good week..TerryAnn

mrp670 said...

I love the spider pumpkin. We just painted ours this year. The kids costumes are cute. Jade looks so old in hers.